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Business Growth

Helping you to grow your Business

Helping businesses to identify and achieve their growth potential

Our Business Growth Services team supports businesses of all sizes, ages and sectors, with a focus on dynamic smaller and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Each service is designed to support businesses in identifying and achieving their growth potential.

Transform your business with one of our business growth services. These services are perfect for both existing clients looking to improve and grow, and for any business owner who may want to improve their business without changing accountants.

When was the last time you took time out of your business and worked on it?When was the last time you took time out of your business and worked on it?

These services are designed to help you stop, take stock and move your business forward, they help you focus on the bigger picture for your business rather than the day to day detail.

Getting Back On Track (GBOT)

Sometimes things can get out of control and the way forward can seem unclear. Often you are so close to the problems in your business that you are unsure what to do next.

This service is perfect for the businesses where things have got a little bit out of hand and the owners are unsure how things got like that.

If any of this is your reality, then we have the solution for you.

  • Cash flow is always a problem and you don’t know where all the cash goes!
  • You just can’t seem to get organized!
  • You have no decent financial information!
  • Things are regularly being filed late!
  • You feel your business is running you and not the other way around!
  • You can’t leave the business at the office and it is keeping you awake at night!
  • You can’t get your employees to do what you need them to!

The GBOT service is an intensive programme where we come and work in and on your business to offer help, guidance and practical solutions in order to help you to:

  • identify why things are going wrong and how to change
  • manage cash flow
  • give you a structure to get you organized
  • get you started on the path to decent cash flow
  • get control of your business

This service is available as an addition to our core services or as a stand-alone service.

Start Up Business Services

Starting a business is one of the most exciting and scary life changes you can make. There is so much to do and learn; in the early days, it can be easy to go off track.

Fortunately, we are here to help.We have years of experience working with startup businesses.The service is a one to one with our Adviser who will look at your new business in detail to assess what needs to be done to start trading in the most efficient way.

You will benefit from our experience in business in the following ways:

  • Save time by organising your start up efficiently
  • Save money by streamlining your start up costs
  • Identify the key actions you need to take to ensure success
  • Learn from costly mistakes made by others
  • Get a quick understanding of the red tape involved in your business
  • Get a fresh perspective on your plan

This service is available as an addition to our core services or as a stand-alone service.

Business Review Programme

When was the last time you really took time out to focus on the direction your business?

The answer to this is probably either; never or a long time ago. The benefits of spending time out of your business like this are huge. You will gain a new sense of direction, learn what is holding your business back and produce a plan for the future.

This planning day is designed to take you out of your business for just 1 day to help you focus and work on it rather than in it.

The Business Review Programme aims to produce an action plan that will:

  • Help make your business more valuable and easier to sell
  • Identify problems in your business
  • Overcome the problems in your business
  • Help you grow your business in a controlled way
  • Give you the bigger picture of your current situation


This will involve 1 day away from your business spent focusing on it. Using our specifically designed programme, we will run through the key elements that make a business successful and benchmark your business against these.

You will be asked some soul-searching questions to produce a plan of action for your business.After the meeting our trained facilitator will produce typed up notes from the meeting and a copy of your businesses new action plan.

This action plan, once implemented. will guide you towards business success.

This service is available as an addition to our core services or as a stand-alone service.

Exit Strategy

Most small business owners want to sell their business one day in the future but the route to making this happen is often not considered. This service helps by identifying the things you need to do to your business now to make it a proposition worth considering for investors. The service also includes business valuation at today’s value.

The benefits of this service are:

  • Increase the value of your business when you come to sell
  • Identify ways to reduce problems in the business now
  • Organise and discuss an action plan for your exit

How the process works!

The process works via a one to one meeting. At the meeting your adviser will ask you questions about your business to get to know how it works and what you want from it, in order to produce a plan of how you are going to achieve the exit you need.

Areas covered are:

  • What the business is like now
  • What we need to do to the business
  • The ideal buyer
  • How much to sell it for
  • How to sell
  • What to avoid


This service is available as an addition to our core services or as a stand-alone service.

Financial Review Programme

Having good and accurate financials is essential if your business is going to achieve its full potential.

Our Financial Review Programme is a one to one with an adviser who will look at your business’s financial situation and review your current situation, identify any issues that need attention and help put tools in place to avoid problems.

How the process works!

The process works via a one to one meeting where your adviser will ask you questions about your business to get to know how it works and the problems you may be facing.

Areas covered are:

  • Management and Forecasting
  • Credit Control
  • Monthly Management Accounts
  • Financial Review and Forecasting
  • Budgeting
  • Book-keeping

The solutions

We have tools that have been developed to help with all the issues mentioned above and if these fit within your business, then they are included in the price of the service. The value in this service is having a fresh pair of eyes evaluate the business and point out things that may have been missed in the past.


This service is available as an addition to our core services or as a stand-alone service.

Next Step:

Please contact us if you need further advice, have any questions about our services, or would like a free consultation or a fixed quote.

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